Sunshine Events

Field Trips:
Tanaka Farms for pumpkin picking and strawberry picking, Newport Lifeguard Tower, Newport Environmental Center, Discovery Science Center, supermarket, Medieval Times, train trip to San Diego Children's Museum, Roller skating once a month

Holiday Celebrations:

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hunukkah, Christmas, Washington & Lincoln Birthdays, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Mardi Gras, Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo & Luau

Special Programs:

Art Teacher, Safety Programs from CHOC, Costa Mesa Police Dept. and Fire Dept., Children's Renaissance Faire, Father/ Child Day, Mother/Child PJ Day, Library once a week

Health Screening:

Vision, Speech and Dental Screening by a licensed Optometrist, Speech Pathologist and DDS

Special Cooking Days:

birthday celebrations, making pumpkin bread, making latkas, making Valentine cookies, making won tons

Other Special Days:

Children's Trike-a-Thon, Year end graduation celebration w/ caps & gowns
We also offer music & movement, arts & crafts, science & nature, dramatic play, language arts, K readiness and literature.